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Hillcrest Early Years Academy

Aim High & Achieve

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Academy Vision and Values

Hillcrest Early Years Academy

Our Academy Vision


The journey through Hillcrest Early Years Academy, will give every member of the community the courage and self-belief to, ‘Aim High and Achieve’.


At Hillcrest Early Years Academy, we have a firm belief that anything is possible and strive to ensure that our children can ‘be the very best me they can be regardless of their starting points. All children have the right to be provided with high quality education which is achieved across the Academy through creative, innovative and exciting teaching that will inspire our children to become lifelong learners who are enthusiastic and proud of their achievements.  


Our values are the heartbeat of the Academy and promote the very ‘magic’ of the earliest stages of education:


M – Memories

A – Ambitious Aspirations

G – Growth

I – Independence

C – Courage


Memories – Creating memorable experiences through an immersive, imaginative, expressive and creative environments. We want children to become confident discoverers, explorers and creators by providing opportunities for enrichment where children feel safe and valued and have the confidence to ‘have a go’.


Ambitious Aspirations – We want our children to aim high and leave our academy with a ‘dream.’ We believe that through our inclusive, warm and nurturing approach we know our pupils will flourish, reach their academic and social potential and move along their learning journey confidently, with courage and humility.


Growth – Growth is an important value for us as an Academy as our children are beginning the very early stages of an exciting journey into the world of education. We support our children to grow not only academically but also socially and emotionally with a focus on their wellbeing and mental health being at the forefront to ensure that they are ready to learn.


Independence – Independence is a key driver at Hillcrest Early Years Academy and is underpinned by ‘Diamond Power’ from the Gem Project which focuses on children being independent. We want our children to thrive by having the confidence to challenge themselves in their learning and we aim to offer the perfect balance between child led learning and carefully planned opportunities which inspire and engage our children to do just this.


Courage - We encourage our children to ‘step out of their comfort zones’ and through an environment which emphasises open-ended learning opportunities so that our children are inspired to have the courage to try new things. This is underpinned by ‘Emerald Power’ from our Gem Project which focuses on giving children the courage to have resilience and perseverance when being brave and stepping into the unknown.