Pupil Premium
How Pupil Premium is used to support learning at Hillcrest Early Years Academy
At Hillcrest Early Years Academy we believe that every child, regardless of their background, should be given the very best education. We will support all our pupils who are identified as disadvantaged, to achieve in every area of their education.
The Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. The school will receive Pupil Premium based on the number of children in the following groups:
- Pupils entitled to free school meals (FSM) now or at any point during the past six years.
- Pupils who have been continuously Looked After for the past six months.
- Pupils who are adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002 or have left care under a Special Guardianship Residence Order.
- Pupils of parents who are currently, or during the past three years, serving in the regular armed forces, or are in receipt of a pension from the MOD
- Schools have the freedom to spend the funding, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for Pupil Premium pupils.
Visit the Pupil Premium policy statement about the funding we receive at Hillcrest Early Years Academy and the impact of our work with disadvantaged pupils.
Visit the Government website for more information about the Pupil Premium, including information on how pupil premium can be used to support children.
If you would like to discuss anything specific about your child please arrange a meeting with the link Trustee through Penny Elsegood (penny.elsegood@hillcrest.lincs.sch.uk) - the Governance Professional.
Our current Pupil Premium strategy will be renewed in July 2025.