What are the start/finish times for the academy?
The academy gates open at 8:40am. The school day starts at 8:50am and then finishes at 3.20pm. This is for our Reception to Year 2 children.
For our Little Sparkles and Little Gems morning sessions, the day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 11.45am.
For our Little Sparkles and Little Gems afternoon sessions, the day starts at 12.15pm and finishes at 3.15pm.
For our Little Sparkles and Little Gems, that stay all day, the session starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm.
How do I report my child absent?
If your child is absent from school please call our office on 01427 613483 and either speak to a member of staff or leave a voicemail stating your child's name and why they are absent.
We also have an attendance email that you can report your child absent or ask any questions regarding attendance. The email is attendance@hillcrest.lincs.sch.uk.
More information regarding this can be found under Key Information → Attendance.
Where can I find information regarding my child's class?
Each class has a page on our website with lots of information on and this can be found under Children → Class Pages.
What will my child have for lunch?
If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are eligible to receive a school meal on a daily basis. Universal Infant Free School Meals provides funding for all schools to offer this meal for free. They are also provided with a piece of fruit at break time and a water bottle at the start of the year.
To order a school dinner for your child, please use the link below to register:
Contact number - 01522 246424
At the bottom of this page there is also a 'User Guide' which has step by step instructions to help you register for an account and some FAQ's.
For our Little Sparkles and Little Gems, if they are in Nursery for the morning or the afternoon session, they don't have dinner with us but they will have snack that is provided by the academy. They can also bring to school a water bottle if you wish.
If your child stays all day in Little Sparkles or Little Gems then you can send them to school with a packed lunch.
What should my child wear to school?
All children should wear uniform at Hillcrest Early Years Academy as we believe it gives children a sense of belonging and pride of their school.
The dress code for our school is as follows:
Dark Purple sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper
Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
White polo or formal school shirt
Sensible flat black shoes
Uniform can be purchased from Uniform direct who are situated in Gainsborough town centre.
From September 2023 if your child is starting in our Reception classes then a bookbag will be provided for your child to support with home reading.
In school we do not allow children to wear jewellery due to safety reasons.
More information can be found under Key information → School Uniform.
What should my child wear for PE?
Our PE kits consist of a Purple t-shirt, White, Black or Purple shorts and plimsolls.
PE t-shirts are also available to buy from Uniform Direct.
If you child has their ears pierced please make sure these are removed on PE days to avoid any injuries.
What age can my child start in the nursery setting?
They can start in our Little Sparkles class from when they are 2 years old. These places are funded if you are eligible but they can also be paid for. More information regarding this can be found under Parents → Funding.
Does the academy have wrap around care (Breakfast/After school club)?
Yes we do! We offer breakfast club from from 7:40am everyday and there are two choices for breakfast - bagels or a range of cereal. The cost per day is £2.00.
After School Club
We provide an after school club Monday – Thursday during term time. Sessions run from 3:20pm – 4.30pm and the cost is £2.00 per session.
How do I book Breakfast and After School Club?
To book Breakfast and After school club just pop to the office and fill out a form. We have these already printed and you can pay cash or bank transfer. Booking can be daily, weekly or termly and all payments must be received prior to your child attending any session.
Tapestry and Class Dojo
What is Tapestry?
Tapestry is a secure learning journey that starts from our Little Sparkles class to our Reception Class. We use this to upload observations on your child's learning so that you are able to see and keep up to date with their progress.
You can also upload anything you feel is valuable to your child's development such as moving up in their group at swimming or a day trip they have experienced, we love to see what your child is discovering at home!
How do I sign up to Tapestry?
We have a form that explains all about Tapestry that is sent to you when your child first starts with us at Hillcrest. Once the form is signed and returned to school your tapestry account will be activated using your email. This may take a couple of days to get set up and then you will receive an email to access your account.
For easy access, download the Tapestry App and the photos and videos will be sent straight to your phone or tablet.
What is Class Dojo?
Class Dojo is a platform that connects teachers and families. It allows teachers to share with you what exciting learning is taking place in the classroom and any important events. It also enables parents to communicate with teachers privately and see their children's work and progress.
We also share lots of helpful information on the school story such as when we break up, how to get in touch if your child is poorly and events such as Christmas Performances or School discos.
How do I sign up to Class Dojo?
You can use the link below that will take you to the website and then click on 'Parent' and then create an account.
Website link - ClassDojo
Once you have created an account the class teacher will then accept the request and you will have access to the school story and your child's class page.
Why have I received a text saying my child has had a minor injury and a slip will be coming home with them?
We send these text messages to ensure you are aware your child has had a minor injury at school. A slip with a description of the injury will come home that day and it will also explain how it was dealt with and what member of staff dealt with it.
Please be reassured we only send these text for minor injuries so you don't need to worry. If your child has a more serious injury we would always call home.