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Hillcrest Early Years Academy

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History at Hillcrest


History at Hillcrest is taught through timetabled specific lessons on a half termly basis, alternating with geography. The Rising Stars scheme of work is used for the delivery of history lessons. Each year group starts the topic with a question to investigate and then the topic culminates in a big finish. Details of each topic can be found in the above section. National Curriculum expectations along with key skills are used to assess children's progress in this subject.


Rising Stars History is a complete curriculum programme for primary history which provides half-termly units of work to ensure pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s history, their locality and the history of the wider world. It offers coverage of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for History which will provide firm foundations for the continuation of History teaching in KS2. 


A range of opportunities are provided to enable all pupils to communicate their knowledge and understanding of the subject. Links are made within and across units to support pupils in making connections and in developing a strong overview of chronology, breadth and local to global history.