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Hillcrest Early Years Academy

Aim High & Achieve

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Playground Gems

At Hillcrest Early Years Academy, we are great believers in solving our own problems and earning our 'Diamond Power.' Miss Van Camp, our Academy Wellbeing Lead, works with a team of 12 children each half term on the Playground to model our key 'Gem Powers' to the rest of the children on the playground and use restorative practices to manage conflict and create a harmonious playtime for all. 


We have three different types of Ambassadors and below you can see the role of each:


Diamond Ambassadors help to solve problems and create independence in our children. 


Ruby Ambassadors help to support others. This may be through initiating play with anyone who doesn't have someone to play with. 


Emerald Ambassadors help children to bounce back and be resilient. This could be seen when playing a game and encouraging children even if they don't win to manage their emotions.