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Hillcrest Early Years Academy

Aim High & Achieve

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Little Gems

Welcome to Little Gems!


Please see below the information you will need for remote learning in the unfortunate circumstance that your child has to isolate. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact the Nursery Team.

Hello and welcome to Little Gems class page!


We have made a great start to our learning journey in our new environment.


We have started our Little Wandle journey and are following the Little Wandle 'Foundation For Phonics' programme. We love playing our sound games and learning how to orally blend words together. 


For our communication and language lessons, we are following the Little Wandle 'Foundations for a Love of Reading' plans and guidance. Throughout the year, we engage with 10 books. We center some of our focus continuous provision around all the different stories. 


For our continuous provision and environment, we center some of our provision around our focus book and some of our provision around our sound games. The rest of our continuous provision is underpinned by our EYFS progression map and with some child led elements. We have strong focus on fine motor and mark making. Our trained staff are fantastic at creating quality interactions throughout the day to help each child's development. 


For our maths groups and provision, we follow our bespoke long term plan that relates to White Rose Maths. We want all children to have a strong start to their maths learning and we create provision that allows the children to explore different mathematical concepts every week. 


On Wednesday, we have our PE day! We play team work games in the hall. In Summer term 1, we start to try and get changed for our PE lesson to make our transition into reception smoother.  


We love our outdoor time in our EYFS outdoor area. We are able to build meaningful relationships and play while practicing our gross motor skills. 


Mr Wilson posts on class DOJO every week so that all parents are up to date with their child's learning. Please send Mr Wilson a message if you have any worries or concerns or catch him at the start or at the end of our nursery sessions. 

Little Gems - Welcome Letter

Our classroom