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Hillcrest Early Years Academy home page

Hillcrest Early Years Academy

Aim High & Achieve

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What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here. Each week, our Teachers will share weekly updates of what your child will be learning on Class Dojo but if you would like to know further information about our Academy Curriculum, please speak to the Headteacher or your child's Class Teacher. 


Curriculum rationale


At Hillcrest Early Years Academy, our curriculum is designed to be creative, inspiring, challenging, memorable and to provide all children with rich learning opportunities where doors are opened to dream for the future. Our Curriculum is knowledge rich and is underpinned by the Rosenshine Principles so that our children are encouraged to 'know and remember more' through constantly revisiting and recalling prior learning.


The Gem Project is a key driver for our Curriculum and the children of Hillcrest and it focuses on promoting positive learning behaviours such as independence, resilience and perseverance. Encompassed within our vision, is the need for pupils to be exposed to a range of experiences and enrichment that broadens their understanding and equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to be successful, confident, life-long learners who reach their full potential.

The ethos is evident through the academy's five core values which promote the very 'Magic' of the Early Years and KS1 - Memories, Ambitious Aspirations, Growth, Independence and Courage. These shape the academy Curriculum to ensure that all children 

'Aim High and Achieve.'