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Hillcrest Early Years Academy

Aim High & Achieve

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Attendance at Hillcrest


It is vital that we work together to ensure good attendance and punctuality for all of our children. This will help children to develop to their full potential.


Good routines have to be established early and continued throughout a child's school life. If your child is unwell, please contact school on the first morning of illness so that we can record the reason for absence - this must be done by 9:30am otherwise, further contact will be made to obtain the reason for absence. 


We strongly recommend that children should not be taken out of school during term time for any reason but if you are thinking of doing so you will be required to complete an Exceptional Circumstances Form for the attention of the Headteacher. If you would like more information on this procedure please look under Parents → Late/Absence Procedures. 


Our Academy day for Reception - Year 2 starts at 8:50am and the school doors open at 8:40am. Children in Reception to Year 2 need to arrive no later than 8:50am. If they arrive past this time, they will be marked as late. It is vital that children are in school for this time as otherwise, they will miss their Phonics session. 


Little Gems and Little Sparkles Nursery classes should arrive in time for their sessions starting:


Times for morning nursery sessions: 8:45am - 11:45am

Time for afternoon sessions: 12:15pm - 3:15pm


Should you need to book a medical appointment, please try and ensure this is done out of school hours. If this is not possible, our break time is 10:30am - 10:45am and lunchtime is 12:00 - 1:00pm so please try and arrange it during this time. Proof of appointment will need to be shown for children to be allowed to leave. 



School Attendance 


Our whole school attendance target is 96%.


  • If your child has 96% attendance or above they are in the 'Expected' category which means your child will be entered into a draw for a 'Free Family Friday Pass'.
  • Your child will be classed as 'At Risk Of Becoming Persistently Absent' if they are in the 90.1% to 95% attendance category. This means a letter is sent home and your child will be monitored closely. 
  • If your child has 80.1% to 90% attendance they are classed as 'Persistently Absent'. This will result in a meeting with our Attendance Lead and Deputy Attendance Lead to see how we can support your family and your child will be placed on an Attendance Action Plan. 
  • Your child will become 'At Risk Of Severe Absence' if they fall into 50.1% to 80% attendance. In this case we will try all avenues to improve attendance and give support. Depending on the circumstances a Fixed Penalty Notice may also be issued.
  • If your child has 0% to 50% attendance this is classed as 'Severely Absent' and this is a major cause for concern. We will work as best we can with families and seek advice from other agencies to help with any barriers and find solutions to increase attendance.


This table shows each category and is placed on the termly letters that are sent home so you can see where your child is. 

Severe absence

At risk of severe absence

Persistent Absence

At risk pf persistent absence


0 – 50%


80.1% - 90%

90.1% - 95%



Promoting Good Attendance 

We celebrate good attendance throughout our school by - 

  • Awarding the class with the best attendance a certificate and an attendance cup in celebration assembly every Friday.
  • Issuing letters every term showing each child's attendance level.
  • Notes home and praise pads for improved attendance.
  • We have our 'Golden Ticket Table' each Friday where 8 children are awarded a Golden Ticket for attendance and are allowed to sit with a member of staff for dinner.
  • Praising children upon arrival each day.
  • Using our forms of communication like Teachers2Parents and Dojo to praise classes, inform parents of overall school attendance each week and praise children.


You will be updated every term on how your child is doing in regards to attendance.


If you have any questions regarding Attendance or want any support please contact the school office on 01427 613483 or email







A big well done to Pip in Year 2 who won our Micro scooter last half term for her brilliant attendance! 


For our Little Sparkles and Gems children, as this scooter is age 5+, we will give the winner a little book and a toy from the prize draw for their attendance. 


We are excited to see who will be the lucky winner this term smiley

Helpful Information

Attendance Policy